Saturday, May 26, 2007

My Art On-Line

Greetings friends,

I have finally photographed some of my art and put it on-line to share with you!

This includes my most recent works from rural Egypt and others from Zimbabwe and Canada.

Visit here:



Betty-Anne said...

Suzanne, You continue to amaze me! Through your art we can see into the hearts and souls of those you have met and painted on your travels. Your paintings humanize
the people of the Middle East and Africa, that many of us have not had the good fortune to meet on their home ground. Your exhibition of paintings may just be the one small step that for many, can make the difference of a deeper understanding of other peoples and cultures.
I have many favourites - you just have an extraordinary talent in capturing and bringing them to us! You have dangled the carrot - and now you know we will continue to watch for more!
We love you!

barb paleczny said...

Suzanne, when I said I thought that you would be among the greats in art, I didn't realize that the day would come so soon. Your paintings show such sensitivity, love and respect for cultures, different personalities and relationships, people of all ages. You paint from the inside. No wonder you capture such depth of feelings and hardly whispered intuitions.
I also really admire your styles and creative venturing in expression . . . in use of color, values, shapes, moods. You tell stories and lure us into loving those we haven't even met. . . well, yes, we have met them in you. Thank-you. Treasure each one. I will ponder them much more. You inspire me so much that I long to start painting again too. Ann sends congratulations too: awesome!